Not only for adventurers but also career changers and sun lovers. The Balkan jewel between the Adriatic Sea and magnificent mountains- Montenegro is waiting for an amazing metamorphosis. With official EU accession in reach, chittering about streamlined access, busy job markets and a lively expat network is buzzing. But what means for the country of your dreams, live and work in Montenegro? Get ready because we’re going to peer into the crystal ball and find out about how membership of EU could affect your work visa? Immigration — 2024 onwards.
Nowadays, however non-EU citizens require work visas to stay and conduct activities in Montenegro. The specifics of the post-accession visa regulations are still under wrap while experts expect more streamlined procedures. Could you imagine simpler application processes, lower associated costs and further speed-speedily backing up – all sounding just perfect to any visa applicant. The future visa free Schengen travel for Montenegrins citizens, or maybe even residents of the country could create many work opportunities within Europe.
In case Montenegro continues its integration with the European Union; there is a huge possibility of having an effective economy. Taking on such a dynamic is interpretable as potential job creation in various industries besides tourism, tech, renewables and agriculture. This obviously sends out a welcome message to talent professionals in search of progressive new assignments. However, always remember that as a Montenegrin go really local in your search and do research the demand skills for jobs you want to work.
The gains in acceding to EU that Montenegro can possibly enjoy cannot be refuted. As the facts are still emerging, it seems good looking forward to work and travel in this magical nation. Let’s face it, get yourself acquainted with the language of Montenegro (hello in Montagnino/Zdravko!), do your best to choose a job that you like and be ready for the Balkan magic wrapped around European style. Rest assured that we will be with you every step of the way.
Tags: visa, visa consultant, work abroad, work permit, Romania visa, Serbia visa, Croatia visa, Montenegro visa, Bulgaria visa, north Macedonia, student visa, fly abroad, education consultant, education, immigration consultant, passport, Schengen visa
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