- Total Permits: Sweden issued 92,000 residence permits in 2024, a 5% drop from 2023.
- Work Permits Lead: Work permits accounted for 29% (27,009 permits) of the total.
- Family Reunification: Family permits made up 26.3% (25,504 permits).
- Education Permits: 19.8% (18,453 permits) were granted for educational purposes.
- Asylum-Related Permits: 15.6% (14,467 permits) were issued for asylum-related reasons.
- EU/EES Applicants: 7,619 permits were issued to applicants from EU/EES countries.
- December Data: In December alone, 5,317 permits were issued, with family permits leading.
- Labor Shortages: Sweden faces labor shortages in healthcare, education, and transport.
- In-Demand Jobs: High-demand roles include bus drivers, mechanics, and healthcare workers.
- Balanced Approach: Sweden’s permit system addresses workforce needs and family reunification.
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