EU/EEA citizens can apply for long-term residence after 5 years of continuous temporary residence in Croatia. Some can apply even before under more favorable conditions.
The term “EU/EEA citizens” refers to citizens of the Europski gospodarski prostor – EGP (European Economic Area – EEA) and Swiss Confederation. The EEA includes the whole of the EU, Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein.
As an EU/EEA citizen, you can apply for Croatian temporary residence on five different bases. Once granted, the government will issue you a residence card for up to 10 years.
Due to this, most likely, you will have to apply for a temporary stay only once before applying for a long-term one. Whatever your case is, you must not break your temporary stay – it must be continuous to qualify for a long-term stay.
If you are not sure what perks Croatian long-term residency brings, we assure you it makes your life in Croatia much easier.
As a long-term resident, you:
- Do not have to apply for Croatian residence ever again.
- Can live in Croatia long term.
- Can travel outside of Croatia for longer periods without losing residence Are step closer to qualifying for Croatian citizenship Can get certain additional benefits.
In addition, a residence card for long-term stay is issued for a period of 10 years. After that, you only need to renew the ID card.
How can EU/EEA citizens transit from Croatian temporary to long-term stay?
The key factor for granting long-term residence in Croatia is to be kind and patient. Croatian bureaucracy is complicated and heavy, and the application process may take a while. Have some understanding, and it will pay off.
Follow the guidelines below for a successful transition from temporary to long-term residence.
1 Examine the process
A good starting point is to get familiar with the process of applying for long-term residence. We have a detailed guide written specifically for citizens of EU/EEA member states available here. Read it carefully to be sure you understand the basics.
2 Inform at the police
Our recommendation is to visit MUP two months before your current temporary residence permit expires. Tell them you need a list of requirements for long-term residence application. Read about the visit to the police here.
3 Collect the documentation
It may take some time until you collect the required documentation. You can view a list of documents required to apply for long-term residence in
4 Apply for residence
You can apply for long-term residence one day after your temporary residence expires. Bring the documents required for applying for permanent. Your caseworker will most probably review your application immediately. If all works, your permanent residence will be granted.
If you hire a lawyer, they will ensure the process is efficient and eliminate misunderstandings. In addition, they can translate your conversation at MUP. If you want to connect with a vetted lawyer,
5 Get the solution
If your long-term residency application is approved, the Croatian government will issue you an official decision on a long-term residency. It states you have been granted stalni boravak (long-term stay).
You must pay administrative fees, make a signature, give fingerprints, and order a new residence ID card. All possible administrative costs for this procedure are available.
As your five-year period of temporary residence ends, prepare to visit MUP. Although you can’t apply for long-term residence before your temporary permit expires, we highly recommend reconnecting with MUP.
When it comes to temporary residence, you must visit MUP two months before the expiry date of your current residence. Then you apply for a new temporary residence. However, you can apply for long-term residence the day AFTER your temporary permit expires.
Regardless of this restriction, asking MUP about the latest requirements is wise. Visit them at least two months before you apply for long-term residence. You can never know if some important law amendments have lately changed.
Although it should be easier to collect documents for EU/EEA citizens than for third-country citizens, it still takes time. In addition, some requirements may change depending on your personal case, so it is clever NOT TO WAIT until the last minute.